Visual Studio Code
- ⌘ + /; comment in/out
- ⌘ + ⇧ + p; command palette
- ⌘ + p; search
- ∧ + ⇧ + `; Terminal
Key | Description |
⌥+Arrow Key(←◀,→ ►) | Word |
⌥+Arrow Key(↑▲, ↓▼) | Home, End |
∧+Arrow Key | Switching between applications |
<fn>+↑▲, ↓▼ | PageUp, PageDn |
⌘+↑▲, ↓▼ | Begin of the Text, End of Text |
⌘+←◀, →► | Begin of the Line, End of Line |
⌥+↩ | Chinese input |
<fn>+⌫ | Work as MS Windows delete key |
Action | Key | Descriptions |
Move Backward by Word | ⌥+← | |
Move Forward by Word | ⌥+→ | |
Home (Begin of the Line) | ⌥+↑ | |
End (End of the Line) | ⌥+↓ | |
PageUp | <fn>+↑ | doesn't follow carrot |
PageDown | <fn>+↓ | doesn't follow carrot |
PageUp | ⌥+<fn>+↑ | follow carrot |
PageDown | ⌥+<fn>+↓ | follow carrot |
Move to Begin of the Text | ⌘+↑ | |
Move to End of the Text | ⌘+↓ | |
Move to Begin of the Line | ⌘+← | |
Move to End of the Line | ⌘+→ | |
Change to Hanja(Chinese input) | ⌥+↩ | |
Delete (Work as a MS Windows delete key) | <fn>+⌫ |
Basic Extentions
- Code Runner Code Runner(Jun Han)
- REST Client REST Client(Huachao Mao)
- Vim Vim(vscodevim)
- Install JDK
- Install VS Code Extentions
- Java Extension Pack Extension Pack for Java(Microsoft);
- Visual Studio IntelliCode, Language Support for Java, Debugger for Java, Maven for Java, Java Test Runner, Project Manager for Java
- Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code(Gabriel Basilio Brito)
- Gradle Extension Pack Gradle Extension Pack(Richard Willis)
- ; Gradle Language Support, Gradle for Java
- Tomcat??
- Checkstyle for Java??
Java Dependency Viewer??- Java IDE??
- Spring Initializr Java Support??
- Spring Boot Tools??
- Sprint Boot Dashboard???
- Debugger for Java (Microsoft) Debugger for Java
- Extension Pack for Java (Microsoft) Extension Pack for Java
- Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat (Red Hat) Language support for Java ™ for Visual Studio Code
- Maven for Java (Microsoft) Maven for Java
- Project Manager for Java (Microsoft) Project Manager for Java
- Test Runner for Java (Microsoft) Test Runner for Java
- Install Node.js
- Install VS Code Extentions
- CodeRunner, Live Server
- Run; F5, Ctrl + F5, Ctrl + Alt + N (CodeRunner)
- Live Server;
- Open with Live Server; Alt + L, Alt + O
- Stop Live Server; Alt + L, Alt + C
- ESLint (Dirk Baeumer) VS Code ESLint extension
- Run with Live Server; CTRL + ALT + N
- Run with F5; .vscode
- launch.json
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch Program", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/typescript/out/hello.js", "outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/**/*.js"] } ] }
- tasks.json; Start ts-watch, CTRL + SHIFT + B
{ "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "type": "typescript", "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json", "option": "watch", "problemMatcher": [ "$tsc-watch" ], "group": "build" } ] }
- Run with nodemon (live compile environment);
$ npm install ts-node --save-dev $ npm install nodemon --save-dev
- package.json
{ "name": "typescript", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "npm run build:live", "build": "tsc -p .", "build:live": "nodemon --watch '*.ts' --exec 'ts-node' hello.ts", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "nodemon": "^2.0.20", "ts-node": "^9.1.1", "typescript": "^4.2.4" } }
- Vue VSCode Snippets (sarah.drasner) Vue VSCode Snippets
- React Native Tools (Microsoft) React Native Tools
- Python - Microsoft Python extension for Visual Studio Code
- Pylint - Microsoft Pylint extension for Visual Studio Code
- Python Type Hint - njqdev Python Type Hint
- Python Extended - Taiwo Kareem Python Extended
- Espressif IDF (Espressif Systems) ESP-IDF VS Code Extension
- Arduino (Microsoft) Visual Studio Code extension for Arduino
- C/C++ (Microsoft) C/C++ for Visual Studio Code
- C/C++ Extension Pack (Microsoft) C/C++ Extension Pack
- C/C++ Themes (Microsoft) C/C++ Extension UI Themes
- CMake (twxs) CMake For VisualStudio Code
- CMake Tools (Microsoft) CMake Tools
- Material Icon Theme (Philipp Kief) Material Icon Theme
Other Extensions
- C# (Microsoft) C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)
- Doxygen Documentation Generator (Christoph Schlosser) Generate Doxygen Comments in VS Code
- DokuWiki (Etienne Faisant) DokuWiki README
- Excel Viewer (GrapeCity) Excel Viewer
- Korean Language Pack for Visual Studio Code (Microsoft) VS Code용 한국어 팩
- Live Share (Microsoft) Microsoft Visual Studio Live Share
- Live Share Audio (Microsoft) Visual Studio Live Share Audio
Markdown Preview Enhanced (Yiyi Wang)Markdown All in One (Yu Zhang)- ??Remote - Containers (Microsoft)
- Remote - SSH (Microsoft) Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH
- Remote - SSH:Editing Configuration Files (Microsoft) Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files
- Remote - WSL (Microsoft) WSL (Microsoft) Visual Studio Code WSL
- Remote Development (Microsoft) Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension Pack
- ??SVG Viewer (cssho)
- ??Visual Studio Codespaces (Microsoft)
- Visual Studio IntelliCode (Microsoft) IntelliCode (Microsoft Visual Studio IntelliCode
- REST Client (Huachao Mao) REST Client
- [Deprecated] Debugger for Chrome (Microsoft)
- ESLint
- IntelliCode
- Vetur