우클릭 해제
javascript:function r(d){d.oncontextmenu=null;d.onselectstart=null;d.ondragstart=null;d.onkeydown=null;d.onmousedown=null; d.body.oncontextmenu=null;d.body.onselectstart=null;d.body.ondragstart=null;d.body.onkeydown=null; d.body.onmousedown=null;};function unify(w){r(w.document);if(w.frames.length>0){for(var i=0;i<w.frames.length;i++){try{unify(w.frames[i].window);}catch(e){}};};};unify(self);
// ==UserScript==
// @name Anti-Disabler for Naver
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/dyhan81
// @description The script allows users to call the context menu or select the texts in Naver, and when you copy text, script will get rid of a annoying source indication.
// @include http://blog.naver.com/*
// @include http://cafe.naver.com/*
// @copyright 2009+, Dong-yoon Han (http://cb-dyhan81.blogspot.com)
// @license (CC) Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/kr/
// @version 1258306524556; Mon Nov 16 2009 02:35:24 GMT+0900
// @injectframes 1
// ==/UserScript==
var intervalID;
var domain = window.location.host;
// For Blog
if (domain.toLowerCase().indexOf("blog.")>-1)
intervalID = setInterval(" \
if(window.AutoSourcing != null) \
{ \
AutoSourcing.setEnable(false); \
} \
if(window.utility != null) \
{ \
utility.detachSelectPrevent(); \
} \
", 500);
setTimeout("clearInterval("+intervalID+");", 3000);
/* For Cafe */
if (domain.toLowerCase().indexOf("cafe.")>-1)
intervalID = setInterval(" \
if(window.AutoSourcing != null) \
AutoSourcing.setEnable(false); \
var alternativeCancelBlockMouseRight = function(theElement) \
{ \
var trueFunc = function() \
{ \
return true; \
}; \
theElement.oncontextmenu = trueFunc; \
theElement.onselectstart = trueFunc; \
theElement.ondragstart = trueFunc; \
}; \
if(window.CancelBlockMouseRight != null) \
{ \
CancelBlockMouseRight(); \
cancelBlockDragInFF(); \
} \
if(window.mlayoutPhoto != null) \
{ \
alternativeCancelBlockMouseRight(parent.document); \
alternativeCancelBlockMouseRight(window.mlayoutPhoto.oView); \
window.mlayoutPhoto.opt.allowRightMouseClick = true; \
} \
setTimeout("clearInterval("+intervalID+");", 3000);
intervalID = setInterval(" \
if( document.getElementById('content-area') \
&& (document.getElementById('content-area').oncontextmenu != null))\
{ \
document.getElementById('content-area').oncontextmenu = null; \
document.getElementById('content-area').onselectstart = null; \
document.getElementById('content-area').ondragstart = null; \
} \
", 500);
setTimeout("clearInterval("+intervalID+");", 3000);