Table of Contents
Google App Engine
Starting with Google App Engine
Setup Development Environment with Eclipse
Google App Engine
Starting with Google App Engine
Google App Engine
Admin Console in left pane
Create Application
Verify +82 10 xxxx xxxx
enter account code in textbox
input Application Identifier, Application Title and click Create Application
Applications Overview
Setup Development Environment with Eclipse
Eclipse Version: Kepler
메뉴에서 Help → Install New Software…
다이얼로그에서 Add…
Name: pyDev
Work with: pyDev -
PyDev, PyDev Mylyn Integration (optional) 전부 선택 후 Next 버튼, 설치.
메뉴에서 File → New → Other
Wizard에 pPyDev Google App Engine Project 확인
Install python interpreter
Phyton Download
(python 2.7.x)
Install Google App Engine SDK for Phyton at GAE site
Eclipse 메뉴에서 Windows → Preference, PyDev → Interpreters → Python Interpreter 설정
Eclipse Menu, Help → Install New Software…
Work with에
주소 입력
Google Plugin for Eclipse (required), SDKs 선택, 다운로드, 설치.
Google App Engine 시작하기
왕초보를 위한 Python 2.7