====== Alfred ====== ===== My Snippets ===== * Today; !!!td: {isodate: EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy} * Current Time; !!!ct: {isodate: HH:mm:ss} * Current Datetime; !!!cd: {isodate: EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy. HH:mm:ss} * Dokuwiki Today; !!!doku: === {isodate: EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy} ==== /* ^ Date ^ Content ^ Amounts ^ */ * Dokuwiki Expenses; !!!exp: | {isodate:M/d} | {cursor} | | * Dokuwiki Expenses Today; !!!ext: | | | ₩{cursor} | ==== Integrate with Warp Terminal ==== on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Events" tell application "Warp" to activate set numWin to count (windows of process "Warp") if numWin < 1 then keystroke "n" using command down delay 0.5 keystroke q keystroke return end tell end alfred_script ===== References ====== * [[https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/20199-integrate-warp-terminal-with-alfred/|Integrate Warp terminal with Alfred]] ===== Alternatives for MS Windows ===== * [[https://www.electronjs.org/apps/ueli|ueli, This is a keystroke launcher for Windows and macOS.]] * [[http://www.wox.one/|An effective launcher for windows]]