====== Spring Tools |4 ======
> [[https://spring.io/tools|Spring Tools |4]]
===== Prerequisite =====
* Install Java JDK
* Set Environments; PATH, ...
// 설치 후 shell에서 자바 버전 확인
$ java -version
// change directory @mac
$ cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
// JAVA_HOME path 설정
// Shell이 bash인 경우 path 설정
$ vi ~/.bash_profile
// 환경 변수 설정 후 jdk 버전 확인
$ java -version
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_311.jdk/Contents/Home
===== for Eclipse =====
==== Settings ====
- Download jar file
- Unpack jar file
- Executable Folder; /contents/****/
- Edit **SpringToolSuite4.ini** file
* -vm; specify javaw.exe with full path
* -javaagent; add lonbok.jar with full path
* ? -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion; 1.8? 11?
==== Open Project ====
- Open Workspace
- Import Project(Package Explorer)
- Select Project Type(Gradle | Maven)
- Browse Project Root Directory
- Check Imported Packages in Package Explorer
- STS4; [Window] -> [Show View] -> [Project Explorer]
- Change Text File Encoding; [Preferences] -> [General > Workspace] ->
* Text file encoding; Other: **UTF-8**
* New text file line delimiter; Oterh: **Unix**
==== Run ====
* [Boot Dashboard]
* select a package & run
==== Lombok ====
> [[https://projectlombok.org/download|Project Lombok]]
* [[https://the-dev.tistory.com/27|[Lombok] 롬복 설치 및 STS(eclipse) 연동하기]]
==== command line argument ====
* 실행 시 워크스페이스 지정
C:\ustra\tools\Java\sts-4.7.1.RELEASE\SpringToolSuite4.exe -data C:\Framework-Guide\
===== for Visual Studio Code =====
==== Install Extensions ====
* Extension Pack for Java by Microsoft
* Spring Boot Tools by Pivotal Spring Boot Extension Pack by Pivotal
==== Create Project ====
* Command Palette (⌘ + ⇧ + P, Ctrl+Shift+P); spring initializr
- Choose One(Add Starters/Create a Gradle Project/Create a Maven Project)
- Specify Spring Boot version;
- Specify prject language; Java / Kotlin / Groovy
- Input Group Id; com.example
- Input Artifact Id; demo
- Specify packaging type; Jar / War
- Specify Java version; 11/ 17 / 8
- Search for dependencies;
* **Spring Boot DevTools** (*)
* **Spring Web** (*)
- Choose Directory to make a project
* [[http://honeymon.io/tech/2021/01/06/use-vs-code-for-spring-boot.html|[spring-boot] Visual Studio Code 에서 스프링 부트 프로젝트 개발하기]]